Around 1 percent of Early Childhood Educators are men

The Toronto Star

The early childhood educator sector is an occupation mostly held by women.  The College of Early Childhood Educator records show that there are approximately only 1.4 percent of males in the early childhood educators’ field, 599 out of 41,7000 certificates. The number men graduating from ECE programs remains low despite the need for more men in the field.

“Susan Hartwell, an ECE instructor at Oshawa’s Durham College, believes the presence of a male role model in early classroom situations is beneficial.” The classroom would be more diverse and open to male figures.  While there are many benefits to having males as role models for young children; there are obstacles that reduce the amount of men entering the field.  The low salary for and suspicion of men working with young children are hindrances that can prevent men from working in the field of early education.

“With full day kindergarten there might be an increase the amount of men in ECE roles if they perceive the work as having more status and more opportunities." – The Star
Read more at Men stand out as daycare workers 
