Foes ramp up bid to keep Aussie `Fast Eddy’ from financing for-profit centres with public subsidies


Today's Toronto Star has a front page article on ABC, the Australian corporate child care company that is working with other companies to get a foothold in Canada. Titled "CUPE Fights Private Daycare" the piece includes explosive information that:

-ABC's profits last year rose 150 per cent to more than $70 million

-Rumours are sales are finalized for up to 30 centres in Alberta

-Parent fees in Australia have risen 123 per cent

From the article:

"Child care advocates are mobilizing across Canada to fight big-box daycare saying they fear the arrival of "Fast Eddy" Groves' company will raise fees and lower quality in this country.

"Our biggest concern is that foreign owned big-box child care is going to drive a stake through any notion of a national child-care system," said Paul Moist, the national president of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), which represents some 7,000 Canadian child-care workers."

To read the full article, click here.
