Imagine a National Child Care Strategy

YWCA Toronto Blog


Imagine living in a country, province or even a city such as Toronto where child care is accessible, affordable and high quality.


 Imagine more women in the work force without worrying about having children without  affordable care. 


 Imagine reducing poverty because families are be able to use their hard earned money  for other necessities such as nutritious food and shelter instead of the additional cost of  child care.


 Women need child care so they can participate equally in the labour force, pursue career advancement, and contribute to their families’ prosperity. Yet, the cost of child care in Toronto is a staggering $19,200 annually, an unthinkable expense when the average salary for a woman is only $32,000. Depending on income, women in Toronto can expect to pay as much as 50% of their earnings on child care costs.



Read the full story here
