Will a low-cost, Quebec-style child-care model work in Alberta?

“Child care is more than a mortgage”... 

Jeremy Nolais, Metro News


 Alberta is one of the provinces which spends the lowest on child care in Canada, said Bill Moore Kilbannon, the executive director of Public Interest Alberta (PIA).  Paige MacPherson (Alberta Director of Canadian Taxpayers), however,  states that “low-income Alberta families already receive subsidies for childcare. As well, the federal government offers the universal childcare benefit at $100 a month and is moving towards an income-splitting model that will benefit parents by allowing them to assign up to $50,000 to the low earner in the household for tax purposes. Nationally, 70 per cent of women with a child under the age of two remain in the workforce, but in Alberta that figure stands at about 60 per cent”.

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