Child care advocates are shocked by the death of 14 month old Duy-An Nguyen in an unlicensed home child care. Our condolences go out to her family and everyone affected by this tragedy.
As a result of the tragedy, the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care is calling for Coroner’s Inquiry which would investigate the death and system failures in Ontario’s child care system that allowed it to occur.
“We have a system of licensed home child care. To allow someone to advertise and charge for child care in their home, but opt-out of licensing requirements puts children at risk. The Ontario Government is doing nothing to provide safeguards for families. The Ontario Government must ensure a safe environment for all children and ensure access to high quality, affordable child care for all families who choose to access the service” said Andrea Calver, Coordinator, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care.
To view the full press release, please click here.
The Ontario Federation of Labour put out a similar release in support of the need for a Coroner's inquest. To view the release, please Click Here.
Andrea Horwath and the Ontario NDP put out a press release in support of this request.
“This death again raises questions about whether the government’s approach to home-based daycare – in which many providers run home-based daycares without being licensed, inspected or supported – is ensuring child safety,” said Horwath.
Click here to view the release.
The Toronto Star had comprehensive coverage on the issue over the weekend. Click here for Saturday, January 8th's article. On Tuesday January 11th, the following editorial was published.
Federal MP Olivia Chow quickly put out a release stating that the tragedy highlights Canada's need for a national child care system, and that without one parents will have to continue to rely on unregulated care that can put their children at risk. Click here. for Chow's release.
CUPE Ontario and president Fred Hahn put a press release saying that Ontario needs to know what happened and what steps can be taken to ensure no other families face this same tragedy in the future. To read the release, please click here.'s Deirdre Healey wrote an impassioned article about her own struggle to find child care she felt safe and comfortable with for her child. She emphasizes that there is no such thing as "choice" for parents, and that this tragedy reminds us all of that. Click here to read the article.