A long running study called the Abecedarian Project done by FPG Child development Institute at the University of North Carolina stated that adults that attended child care centres starting at a young age benefited at the age of 30.
Participants were enrolled in child care in the 1970's full-time from infant years to the start of kindergarten and came from low-income families. 111 participants took part as infants and 101 as adults.
By the time the participants were 30 years of age they were more likely to have four years of college or university than the controlled group. According to Elizabeth Pungello Ph. D. scientist at the FPG Institute "by age 21 both males and females were more likely to go to college and graduate when they received early childhood education." Participants also maintained study employment, had higher income and were less likely to need social service assistance. The study found that they became parents two years later than the control group.
According to Frances Campbell Ph. D. "the benefits we saw at the age of 30 were associated with an early childhood educational experience".
To read full article click link below:
Benefits of High Quality Child Care Persist 30 Years Later
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