Interaction - Canadian Child Care Federation Publication
OCBCC's Viktoria Bitto has been named by CCCF as one of child care's emerging leaders.
Excerpt from the article:
While working in the field, she developed a deep commitment to advocacy, and volunteered at the Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care and with the International Women’s Day Committee. In 2014 at Toronto International Women’s Day, she was the keynote speaker on the necessity of better child care and an increase of minimum wage for women.
Her passion for advocacy has led her to become the Membership Coordinator of the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC). She sits on the International Women’s Day Committee, and volunteers as a translator for Peace Builders of Canada, supports future ECE students through her work at the OCBCC and with George Brown College.
“I never stop encouraging anyone that will listen, to learn to advocate for what they love or believe in. I believe in an affordable, accessible, high quality child care system. I believe that child care is a fundamental human right and that all children regardless of the situations they are born into deserve the best start to life” — Viktoria Bitto
- Read the full article online in CCCF's Interaction (subscription required)