Investing now in child care sure to pay off

The London Free Press

Margaret Hoff, co-founder of the City of London day care advisory committee, former faculty member of the early childhood program at Fanshawe College, chairperson of the Cronyn Child Care Committee and longstanding member of the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, reflects on current issues facing Ontario's early learning and child care sector:

"The basis for [Ontario's full day kindergarten] program is Charles Pascal’s 2009 report With Our Best Future in Mind: Implementing Early Learning in Ontario. At that point Ontario had the best standards for child care in North America. So it was understandable Pascal’s first recommendation was: “The province should create a continuum of early learning, child care and family support for children from the pre-natal period through adolescence, under the leadership of the Ministry of Education.”

Good quality child care is part of our “best future,” as Pascal recommended. Europeans fund quality child care because it is socially responsible but also because it is economically responsible. It is time we began realizing the dividends of investing in quality child care."

Read the full article here.
