On December 19, 2013, Minister of Education proposed regulatory changes, which are subject to a 45 day comment period.
The proposed regulation changes directly affect children, communities, RECEs and child care centres.
By completing the short survey, we can gain a better understanding on how the child care community feels about the proposed changes to ratios, mixed groupings and staffing.
Do you like this survey?
A: I am not sure whether the proposed changes are to be in effect for the entire day, but I would recommend that they be so. It is not good practice to reduce ratios at any time of the day, and particularly not at arrival, departure or over the lunch and rest time, when children are even more likely to experience stress and need additional support or when adequate RECE’s should be present to maintain communications and relationships with families.
A: Ontario should add another RECE per age group for children under 4
A: I thought the proposed regulation changes were supposed to update the outdated, bare-bones Day Nurseries Act. Although there are some areas that are improvements, there are a few areas which I feel are going in the wrong direction. Why are we not increasing the number of RECE’s? Why are we decreasing the supervision?
A: Ontario should add another RECE per age group for children under 4
A: I would not want to adapt to this model
A: Ontario should add another RECE per age group for children under 4
A: I would not want to adapt to this model
A: The regulations need to put children in the forefront, ensuring their needs are met, not the opportunity to make more dollars for the owner/operators. We are investing in our future communities, social structures and workforce.
A: Ontario should add another RECE per age group for children under 4
A: The space can be converted with ease
A: We need to have more ECEs to help foster children’s learning and enhance development to their high potential at a younger age. The changes need to focus on what’s best for the children and not money or time, etc.
A: Ontario should add another RECE per age group for children under 4
A: I would not want to adapt to this model
A: I think the kindergarten ratio should be the same as the school board. Why is there a difference with the same children and the same ministry?
A: Ratios should stay the same (ie 1 RECE per group)
A: I would not want to adapt to this model
A: There needs to be an accountability mechanism to measure quality programs ( which is missing from the proposed changes) and in order to do this, you need RECEs who have a code of ethics and standards of practice at a minimum.
A: Ontario should add another RECE per age group for children under 4
A: The space can be converted with additional funding
A: Ratios should stay the same (ie 1 RECE per group)
A: It is concerning that the regulations do not address the minimum amount of physical space – the current regulations do not provide for the appropriate amount of physical space required for children to actively, effectively engage in play.
It is also a concern that the school boards are able to operate unlicensed programs for kindergarten and older children
A: Ontario should add another RECE per age group for children under 4
A: The space does not have the capacity
A: I believe in quality childcare and the new proposed ratios are not safe and do not meet the needs of the children. I feel that the children would not receive the care and attention that they deserve with the new ratios and as a RECE and a parent of a 13 month old I would not send my child to a daycare with the proposed ratios.
A: Ontario should add another RECE per age group for children under 4
A: The space does not have the capacity
A: Ontario should add another RECE per age group for children under 4
A: I would not want to adapt to this model