"The province is proposing that the extended services cover statutory holidays, PD days and summertime, for a reasonable fee to parents."
"Some boards will have the administrative capacity to do this and others won't," Education Minister Kathleen Wynne said. "We just felt that we should learn from the first year's implementation and see what the needs are that arise - and see how many boards step up to the plate rather than requiring them to do this additional thing."
"The Premier's recognition that school boards should offer the summertime extended program is critical," Charles Pascal said. "Good for kids and cost-effective for parents, and based on a cost recovery model, it's a no-brainer for the boards to provide this."
Education critic Elizabeth Witmer said the province was "passing the buck" in leaving the decision to the boards.
"Annie Kidder, executive director of People for Education, said she expected enthusiastic interest from parents and school boards, but that the province has a responsibility to step in and ensure that boards have the structure, capacity and finances required to implement a year-round program."
"Many boards say projections for funding the all-day kindergarten program already look too sparse. "
"Toronto District School Board chair Bruce Davis said that the province's funding model calculated the pay of early childhood educators below his board's union-mandated rate. He said funding figures from the ministry would soon be reviewed by the board's budget committee, which would have to figure out how to fill any gaps."
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