Toronto - School Child Care Rent Agreement - Advocacy Alert!



Affordable Child Care – is Essential for our Families

We Urge the City:  Do NOT CUT any $$$s from CHILD CARE!

The City’s finance’s are in a critical state as a result of underfunding from the Province.

In the City’s Operating Budget (Feb, 16 2010), the Children’s Services Budget includes a recommendation from Staff, that in order to find savings in their Department “the Rent subsidy Agreement with School Boards be terminated”. This is will be devastating to our child care programs in schools - Parent Fees will skyrocket – Programs will be destabilized and Programs will close!

With a fragile Child Care system already under extraordinary pressure as a result of Provincial underfunding and the new Early Learning Programs in our Schools

 This will be the final nail in the coffin, for many child care programs

Parent Fees will skyrocket! City staff estimate approx $2.00 a day (that’s $524 a year!) for full-fee paying parents. But we believe it will be FAR MORE – $3 or even $4 per day per child
Programs will be destabilized through vacant spaces and PROGRAMS WILL CLOSE 

We need our City Politicians to Stand Up for Child Care; Stand Up for our Familes

 PARENTS: Call or e-mail all the members of the BUDGET COMMITTEE

 Urge them : NOT TO terminate “the Rent subsidy Agreement with School Boards”!

Parent Fees will skyrocket!
Programs will be destabilized through vacant spaces and PROGRAMS will close
Tell them we know that the city is in a critical state as a result of underfunding from the Province – But DO NOT BALANCE your budget on the backs of children and parents – it’s just WRONG!

Shelly Carroll (Budget Chief)
 [email protected] 

 Joe Mihevc
 [email protected]
Paul Ainslie
 [email protected] 

Gord Perks
 [email protected]
Maria Augimeri
 [email protected] 

Kyle Rae
 [email protected]
A.A. (Adrian) Heaps
 [email protected]

Janet Davis (Children's Services Advisory Chair)
 [email protected]
 This campaign: “Child Care – Essential for our Families” is sponsored by the Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care

 The Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care (TCBCC) is a broadly based organization working to establish a comprehensive, high quality, universally accessible, non-profit, publicly funded child care system.  Our membership includes parents, early childhood educators, students, teachers, child care centres, family resource centres, and representatives from community organizations, women’s groups, trade unions & social service agencies.

Contact : 489, College St. #206 Toronto, ON M6G 1A5 tel:416.538.7630 e-mail: [email protected]
