Ontario is considering changes to the Day Nursery's Act that would allow fewer staff to care for larger groups of children.
"Child care operators are worried about staffing and the loss of subsidies when 4- and 5-year-olds move to full-day kindergarten in September and when schools begin offering before- after-school care for kids up to age 12."
"And with the province still not committed to pick up $63.5 million in federal child care funds set to run out in April, many daycares say they may be forced to close."
"If the proposed changes go through, Ontario would be the first province to lower child care standards, said Martha Friendly of the Child Care Resource and Research Unit. Friendly also attended the consultation."
“This is just tinkering that will affect our standards and quality of care without helping anybody to remain more viable,” she said. “I think (the province) will be going back to the drawing board.”
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