Update: Peel task force votes to close all 12 Learn.Play.Care centres

Save Peel Child Care

Are you doing a delegation? Click here for:  Sept 10 Up to Date Info on why to Save Peel Child Care for the latest reasons that Peel must not close 12 child care centres.

The final decision will be made by the full regional council on September 13.

For our parent flyer with suggestions for actions you can take and how to contact your councillor, click here!

Want copies of the flyer? Contact Holly at [email protected]

Lawn Signs Available:

 1)    University of Toronto Mississauga, Early Learning Centre - 3359 Mississauga Rd. N., Parking Lot 5 - they will be available in the front foyer
2)    Saturday September 1st, 11:00am, Erindale Park, Labour Day Celebration

Many of you will remember the successful fight to keep the centres open in January of this year. We won that successful fight because of the pressure from parents and members of the community – people who phoned and emailed councillors, people who came to speak to the Regional Council meeting.

The main impact of closure would be the loss of child care spaces. Learn.Play.Care centres currently provide an incredible 11% of all of Peel’s child care spaces for toddler and preschool children.Peel needs more child care not less – and families who come after you will have fewer and fewer options for high quality care.Several councillors spoke of the support of the hard-working LPC staff. The Region made a commitment to speak the school boards about new positions, but there is no guarantee staff will be hired by school boards or do the same work they did working with children like yours.There was no discussion of keeping some centres open and closing others. Reasonable plans did not convince councillors. What they really care about is getting re-elected. So it is critical that Councillors hear from voters that closing regional child care centres is the issue on which voters will judge if Regional Councillors have done a good job.

For our parent flyer with suggestions for actions you can take and how to contact your councillor, click here!
