The Montreal Gazette
Child care advocates across the country have been watching Quebec's child care system closely since its creation in 1997.
In this year's provincial election in Quebec, child care was a central campaign issue. Now, recently elected premier Pauline Marois (Education minister in the government that initiated the program) has promised to expand their $7/day child care program by creating 28,000 new spaces by 2016.
In this year's provincial election in Quebec, child care was a central campaign issue. Now, recently elected premier Pauline Marois (Education minister in the government that initiated the program) has promised to expand their $7/day child care program by creating 28,000 new spaces by 2016.
Marois promised the daily fee of $7 for subsidized spaces would remain the same until 2016, at which point the government might look at indexing it to the rate of inflation, she said. Marois said she was proud to say that the additional 28,000 spaces will finally complete the daycare network that the Parti Québécois launched 15 years ago. Nearly half the new spaces, 13,000, have already been recommended by regional consultative committees set up in 2011. About 2,000 will be created immediately, most in non-profit daycare centres.
To read the full article, click here.
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