November 20th: National Child Day


November 20th marked National Child Day, but to many advocates for children's rights it was a day not just for celebration but also for reflection.

With 1 in 7 Canadian children living in poverty and our nation ranked last among OECD nations in terms of funding for early childhood education and care, it is clear there is much work to be done. (For more information about child poverty in Canada, see our post about Campaign 2000's report card.)

The National Union of Public & General Employees (NUPGE) and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) put out a press release stating that National Child Day is marked by our failure to meet children's needs.

“When you take away those dollars in the name of austerity and deficit-busting, a child and their family are negatively impacted.  Is this the sort of legacy our government has chosen to adopt?” said OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

To read the release, click here.

CUPE Ontario highlighted provincial cutbacks to child welfare on the National Day of the Child.

“The decision to cut services to children and youth in an already under-resourced sector, with kids and families struggling with huge and growing challenges, is a recipe for tragedy. What will it take for this government to invest in the safety and wellbeing of children and youth?” said CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn.

To read the release, click here.

In Charlottetown, PEI, hundreds paraded to mark the day and raise awareness. Click here to read more.

A similar celebration was held in Regina. Click here for the story.
