Click here to read Premier McGuinty's email response, sent just before the Provincial Government announcement on early learning.
More than one hundred prominent supporters of the Early Learning Advisors Report will release an "Open Letter" calling on the McGuinty Government to fully implement the report "With Our Best Future in Mind".
Links to press coverage follows:
Don't lose focus on early learning
Toronto Star - Sep 23
In Canada, about three-quarters of women with a child under age 6 are in the paid workforce. Yet there are regulated daycare spaces for only 20 per cent of ...
Teachers' role in full-day preschool plan debated - Sep 23
The Ontario government is under pressure from several groups as it chooses between expanding the role of teachers in kindergarten classes and enlisting ...
Hamilton Spectator - Sep 23
Premier Dalton McGuinty should be very wary of trying to have it both ways in implementing his government's full-day learning plan. ...
Ontario set to roll out full-day kindergarten
Toronto Sun - JONATHAN JENKINS - Sep 23
Full-day kindergarten is on track to start next year and how exactly that full day will be split between teachers and early childhood educators should soon be revealed, Education Minister Kathleen Wynne said yesterday.
Province on verge of giving in to teachers
Toronto Star - Colin Mcconnell - Sep 22, 2009
Kindergarten pupils Destiny Williams, 4, left, and Ricki Perreault, 5, read to their doll in class at Bruce Junior Public School on Larchmount Ave. ...
Support for early childhood education plan
CTV News Sep. 22
More than one hundred individuals and organizations are sending Premier Dalton McGuinty a message about education…
Metro Canada - Toronto - Colin Mcconnell - Sep 21, 2009
Teacher Dora Dilic reads to her kindergarten class at Bruce Junior Public School yesterday. The province is close to approving a plan to put kindergarten